Parasites and the Full Moon: How to Cleanse Your Body Naturally

Parasites and the Full Moon: How to Cleanse Your Body Naturally

The full moon has long been linked to natural phenomena like tidal shifts and animal behavior. But a lesser-known topic gaining attention is the connection between the full moon and parasites in our bodies. Many holistic health experts believe parasites become more active during this phase, making it an ideal time to begin a cleansing protocol.

In this article, we’ll dive into what parasites are, how they affect your health, and how a full moon parasite cleanse could help your body eliminate them naturally.

What Are Parasites?

Types Of Parasites In The Body

Parasites are organisms that live in or on another host organism, drawing their nutrients from that host and, in many cases, causing harm in the process. Parasites can be found in various forms, such as:

  • Protozoa: These parasites are microscopic single-celled organisms that can reproduce or divide inside their host. They spread from one person to another through contact with fecal matter, blood, or insect bites. A well-known example is the Plasmodium parasite, which is responsible for causing malaria.
  • Helminths: These are worm parasites, larger multi-celled organisms that can sometimes be seen with the naked eye. Examples include roundworms, pinworms, Trichinella spiralis, tapeworms, and flukes. It is estimated that over half of the world’s population—more than 3 billion people—are infected with at least one of three common worms: roundworms, hookworms, or whipworms.[1]
  • Ectoparasites: These parasites live on the surface of their hosts rather than inside them. Often referred to as "blood-sucking arthropods," examples include lice, bed bugs, and fleas.

Humans can contract parasites through under-cooked or contaminated food, drinking or touching contaminated water or surfaces, or through insect bites.[2] Many people may unknowingly carry parasites because the symptoms are often mild and can easily be mistaken for other common health problems.

Common Symptoms of Parasite Infections

Parasites can cause a wide range of symptoms, depending on the type and severity of the infection. Common symptoms include:

  • Digestive issues (bloating, constipation, diarrhea)
  • Fatigue and low energy
  • Unexplained weight loss or weight gain
  • Skin irritations (rashes, itching)
  • Mood swings, anxiety, or depression
  • Abdominal pain
  • Changes in appetite
  • Trouble sleeping or restlessness, particularly around the full moon



These symptoms can also mimic other health conditions, making it difficult to diagnose a parasitic infection without proper testing.

How Do Parasites Impact Our Bodies?

Once inside the human body, parasites can rob you of nutrients, disrupt your immune system, and release toxins that cause inflammation. Over time, this can lead to a range of health issues. Here’s how parasites can harm your body:

  • Nutrient depletion: Parasites feed off the nutrients you consume, leading to deficiencies in key vitamins and minerals like iron and B12.
  • Immune system disruption: The presence of parasites forces your immune system to constantly fight the infection, which can weaken its response to other threats.
  • Digestive distress: Parasites often reside in the intestines, where they can cause a range of digestive problems like gas, bloating, and constipation.
  • Toxin release: As parasites metabolize food, they release toxins into your bloodstream, leading to inflammation and potentially triggering allergic reactions or autoimmune conditions.

The relationship between parasites and the full moon adds another layer to this discussion, as certain holistic practitioners suggest that parasites become more active during this lunar phase.

Why Are Parasites Thought to Become More Active During the Full Moon?

Although not widely studied in scientific communities, many naturopathic and holistic practitioners believe that parasites become more active during the full moon. This theory is based on hormonal changes and behavioral shifts in the body:

  • Melatonin and serotonin fluctuations: During the full moon, serotonin levels are thought to rise while melatonin levels decrease. Since serotonin stimulates the nervous system and gut, it’s believed that parasites become more active as serotonin increases. Parasites have receptors for serotonin, using it to aid in their movement and reproduction.[3] With lower melatonin levels, your immune system may be less effective at defending against parasites.[4]
  • Disrupted sleep patterns: The full moon is often linked to sleep disturbances, which may give parasites more opportunity to thrive and reproduce while the immune system is weakened due to poor rest.

This belief has contributed to the popularity of the full moon parasite protocol, which involves cleansing the body during the lunar cycle to target and eliminate parasites.

The Full Moon Parasite Protocol: How to Cleanse Your Body

If you suspect parasites could be impacting your health, a full moon parasite cleanse may offer a natural way to address the issue. This cleansing protocol combines specific dietary changes, powerful herbal supplements, and simple lifestyle adjustments to help your body eliminate parasites more effectively. For extra support during your cleanse, consider supplements like the Rejuv Wellness Gut Healing Pack, which is specifically designed for full moon parasite and candida detoxification.


Key Steps of a Full Moon Parasite Cleanse

  • Fasting or Eating Light: As you prepare for the cleanse, many suggest fasting or sticking to light, easily digestible meals. This helps reduce the food supply for parasites, making them more vulnerable during the cleanse.
  • Herbal Supplements: Powerful herbs with antiparasitic properties play a key role in this cleanse. These are often taken in supplement form several days before, during, and after the full moon:
    • Wormwood: Traditionally used to combat intestinal parasites.
    • Black walnut hull: Contains juglone, a compound that helps kill parasites.
    • Cloves: Known for their ability to destroy parasitic eggs.
    • Garlic: A natural antimicrobial that can target both parasites and harmful bacteria.
  • Hydration and Fiber Intake: Staying hydrated is essential to help flush toxins and dead parasites from your body. Boosting fiber intake with foods like flax seeds or psyllium husk supports healthy bowel movements, aiding in the elimination of parasites.
  • Probiotic Support: After clearing out the parasites, it’s important to replenish the gut with good bacteria. Taking a high-quality probiotic helps restore balance to your gut microbiome, promoting better digestion and immunity.
  • Enemas or Colon Cleansing: Some choose to include enemas or colon cleansing in their routine to directly remove parasites from the intestines. This step should be approached with care and, ideally, under the guidance of a healthcare professional to avoid complications.
  • Infrared Sauna Therapy: Infrared sauna therapy can be an effective and supportive addition to a full moon parasite cleanse. The heat generated by an infrared sauna raises the body’s temperature, which helps to eliminate harmful bacteria, fungi, yeast, parasites, viruses, and other chronic infections. Infrared heat penetrates deeply into tissues, stimulating sweating and promoting the release of toxins, including those produced by parasites. Since parasites are highly sensitive to heat, regular near-infrared sauna sessions can help eliminate them, including newly hatched parasites. It can even reach areas where parasites may hide, such as in the brain, making it a comprehensive approach to parasite treatment.

Timing of the Cleanse

The full moon parasite protocol is typically started a few days before the full moon and continued for a few days afterward, to target parasites during their most active phase. The entire process may take 5–10 days.

Maintaining a Parasite-Free Lifestyle

While a full moon cleanse can be an effective way to target parasites, preventing reinfection is equally important. Some preventative measures include:

    • Good hygiene practices: Regular handwashing, especially before eating or preparing food.
    • Proper food handling: Cooking meat thoroughly and washing fruits and vegetables before consumption. The most effective way to clear parasites off our food is to use ozone, and I love this inexpensive Ozone bubbler by Therasage.
    • Filtered water: Avoid drinking untreated water, which may contain parasites. Use a water purification system like the TheraH2O Water Pitcher.
    • Regular detoxes: Performing seasonal cleanses or adopting a diet rich in antiparasitic foods (like garlic and pumpkin seeds) can help keep your system free of parasites.
    • Infrared sauna use: Incorporating regular infrared sauna sessions into your wellness routine can support detoxification by helping your body eliminate toxins, including those released by parasites. The deep-penetrating heat of infrared saunas promotes sweating, which aids in the removal of harmful substances from the body, helping to maintain a parasite-free system.
    • EMF protection: High EMF exposure can potentially weaken the body’s natural defenses, making it more susceptible to infections, including parasites. Using EMF-blocking devices, practicing grounding, and minimizing the use of electronic devices, especially in your sleeping environment, can help protect your body and keep your immune system strong.

    Parasites can significantly affect your health, and the full moon may be an ideal time to tackle these hidden invaders. By learning how parasites operate and following a full moon parasite cleanse, you can help rid your body of harmful microorganisms and restore your energy. Whether or not you choose this holistic approach, maintaining good hygiene, eating a nutritious diet, and supporting your immune system are essential steps for keeping your body free of parasites.

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